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Northampton Massachusetts
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The city of Northampton is the county seat of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States. As of the 2010 census, the population of Northampton (including its outer villages, Florence and Leeds) was 28,549.Northampton is known as an academic, artistic, musical, and countercultural hub. It features a large politically liberal community along with numerous alternative health and intellectual organizations. The Council on Aging is Committed to maintaining the age-friendliness of the community by fulfilling the following functions:

  1. Identify programs and services to meet the needs as appropriate of the senior population
    of the community; to educate and enlist support and participation to meet these needs; and to advocate for services and/or coordinate existing services to accomplish same.
  2. Advocate for programs and services that supports personal dignity, opportunities for
    sharing, creative expression, learning, and a general encouragement of initiative and selffulfillment.
  3. Advocate for meaningful educational, social, recreational, cultural, and volunteer opportunities to encourage independence, participation and community involvement.
  4. Advocate for healthy lifestyles through health promotion, health education, physical activities, and other wellness programs.

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