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Holly Springs Mississippi
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Holly Springs is a city in and county seat of Marshall County, Mississippi, United States at the border with southern Tennessee. Near the Mississippi Delta, the area was developed by European Americans for cotton plantations and was dependent on enslaved Africans. Since the 19th century, the county has had a majority-black population. After the American Civil War, many freedmen continued to work in agriculture but as sharecroppers and tenant farmers. As the county seat, the city is a center of trade and court sessions. The population was 7,957 at the 2000 census. A slight decrease in population was calculated in the 2010 census.

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I passionate to taking care of people whether it's bathing, assisting, or changing. I have been certified for about 12 years, but worked in the field for over 20 years. I started at facility that didn't require you to be certified to work.

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I believe it's friendly because of the hard working and lovable people.

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The town of Holly Springs is not so friendly. There are some people you may run into that are friendly but it is s small town that does not have very much of anything to enjoy.

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