This includes your thoughts on items like quality and availability of health care, nurses, caregivers, and geriatric services.
General Livability
This includes your thoughts on items like cost of living, median house price, crime, and weather.
This includes your thoughts on items like appropriately compensated jobs for the 50+, 50+ unemployment rate, and 50+ employment growth.
This includes your thoughts on items like educational attainment, college enrollment and affordability, and quality of education.
Community Engagement
This includes your thoughts on items like access to the arts, entertainment, and recreational facilities, volunteer rates for older adults, quality of public libraries, accessibility and quality of civic and religious organizations, and government funding available for older adults.
This includes your thoughts on items like walkability, ease and frequency of navigating traffic, Walk Score ®, and availability and reliability of public transportation.
Making DC Age Friendly: Age-Friendly DC is a coordinated, comprehensive, and collective-action effort whose goal is to ensure that all DC residents are active, connected, healthy, engaged and happy in their environment. The District’s Age-Friendly effort is starting with a focus on adults age 50 and older.
In 2018 Mayor Muriel Bowser signed the Age-Friendly DC 2018-2023 Establishment Order setting in motion the second five-year journey.
A historical community, majorityt of the residents are long term. With a 1st, and 2nd, generation and progression has been slow but, due to inflation. Our 3rd generation has moved on to better surroundings because of this practice.
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Sharon Wright
Sharon Wright
It's friendly because caring for the elderly.
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Jessina Littlejohn
Jessina Littlejohn
we feeling because at out recreation center. we have multiple activies for the elders.
Even as ageism affects millions of people around the world, it remains a challenge to both identify and combat it. Take our survey to weigh in.
Is Your Town or Employer Age Friendly?
Age Friendly Advisor focuses on where we live and work in our later years - and how we engage with our communities. Go to your town's page and post your review. What makes it age friendly - or not? Go to the 'Working' section and post an employer review. What makes your employer age friendly - or not?
The Latest Craze In Senior Living Is...Tiny Homes?
Instead of fixed abodes or aging in place, these intrepid older adults are downsizing and going mobile with the creative, entrancing, and fairy-tale-like tiny homes.
Is It OK To Say "OK, Boomer?"
It sounds like a cheeky way to blow off the opinion of someone older than you—but does this phrase cross the line when it comes to snark?
Research Reveals 1 out of 3 Retirees Would Live Elsewhere
A surprisingly high percentage of retirees say they’d pick a different spot in which to spend their later years. In a survey of people in their 70’s, 31% say “no” when asked “if you had to do it all over again, based on what you know now, would you choose where you are currently residing again?”.
Looking to Stay Young at 80? Learn from Two Nude Models
Barry and Joanne have been married 57 years. They've spent the last 15 modeling.
Rock and Roll Never Gets Old
Rock and Roll never gets old—and you can tell because of the upcoming concert season. Some of the hottest tickets of the summer, purchased by concertgoers of all ages, are for performers that are age 60 plus!
1 in 4 Americans Say They'll Never Retire
Recent poll results show that 1 in 4 Americans plan on never retiring. Some view it optimistically as older adults finding purpose in work, others as a growing sign of desperation among older workers. Where does the truth lie?
"The Best is Yet to Come" Movie Awards
Which movie treats older adults with the most respect - breaking from stereotypes through multi-dimensional characters who make interesting and complicated choices about how to live their best lives?
Ageism Today
Even as ageism affects millions of people around the world, it remains a challenge to both identify and combat it. Take our survey to weigh in.
Is Your Town or Employer Age Friendly?
Age Friendly Advisor focuses on where we live and work in our later years - and how we engage with our communities. Go to your town's page and post your review. What makes it age friendly - or not? Go to the 'Working' section and post an employer review. What makes your employer age friendly - or not?
The Latest Craze In Senior Living Is...Tiny Homes?
Instead of fixed abodes or aging in place, these intrepid older adults are downsizing and going mobile with the creative, entrancing, and fairy-tale-like tiny homes.
Is It OK To Say "OK, Boomer?"
It sounds like a cheeky way to blow off the opinion of someone older than you—but does this phrase cross the line when it comes to snark?
Research Reveals 1 out of 3 Retirees Would Live Elsewhere
A surprisingly high percentage of retirees say they’d pick a different spot in which to spend their later years. In a survey of people in their 70’s, 31% say “no” when asked “if you had to do it all over again, based on what you know now, would you choose where you are currently residing again?”.
Looking to Stay Young at 80? Learn from Two Nude Models
Barry and Joanne have been married 57 years. They've spent the last 15 modeling.
Rock and Roll Never Gets Old
Rock and Roll never gets old—and you can tell because of the upcoming concert season. Some of the hottest tickets of the summer, purchased by concertgoers of all ages, are for performers that are age 60 plus!
1 in 4 Americans Say They'll Never Retire
Recent poll results show that 1 in 4 Americans plan on never retiring. Some view it optimistically as older adults finding purpose in work, others as a growing sign of desperation among older workers. Where does the truth lie?
"The Best is Yet to Come" Movie Awards
Which movie treats older adults with the most respect - breaking from stereotypes through multi-dimensional characters who make interesting and complicated choices about how to live their best lives?
Ageism Today
Even as ageism affects millions of people around the world, it remains a challenge to both identify and combat it. Take our survey to weigh in.
Is Your Town or Employer Age Friendly?
Age Friendly Advisor focuses on where we live and work in our later years - and how we engage with our communities. Go to your town's page and post your review. What makes it age friendly - or not? Go to the 'Working' section and post an employer review. What makes your employer age friendly - or not?
The Latest Craze In Senior Living Is...Tiny Homes?
Instead of fixed abodes or aging in place, these intrepid older adults are downsizing and going mobile with the creative, entrancing, and fairy-tale-like tiny homes.
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Access to Care
This includes your thoughts on items like quality and availability of health care, nurses, caregivers, and geriatric services.
Available Jobs/Volunteer Work
This includes your thoughts on items like appropriately compensated jobs for the 50+, 50+ unemployment rate, and 50+ employment growth.
Community Engagement
This includes your thoughts on items like access to the arts, entertainment, and recreational facilities, volunteer rates for older adults, quality of public libraries, accessibility and quality of civic and religious organizations, and government funding available for older adults.
Convenient Transportation
This includes your thoughts on items like walkability, ease and frequency of navigating traffic, Walk Score®, and availability and reliability of public transportation.
Continuing Education
This includes your thoughts on items like educational attainment, college enrollment and affordability, and quality of education.
General Livability
This includes your thoughts on items like quality and availability of health care, nurses, caregivers, and geriatric services.
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A historical community, majorityt of the residents are long term. With a 1st, and 2nd, generation and progression has been slow but, due to inflation. Our 3rd generation has moved on to better surroundings because of this practice.