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Lexington Massachusetts
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4.25 out of 5 stars
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Lexington is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 31,394 at the 2010 census, in nearly 11,100 households. The Council on Aging provides policy guidance in the operation of the Senior Center, which coordinates and carries out programs designed to meet the needs of the aging. Programs Include:

  • Information and referral, needs assessment, crisis intervention and service coordination

  • Financial Assistance

  • Senior Health Outreach Programs: Nursing consultation, home visits and assessments.

  • Blood Pressure Screenings offered in conjunction with the Fire Department.

  • Nutrition/Meals on Wheels: The Senior Service's nutrition program, in collaboration with Minuteman Senior Services, offers lunch Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a suggested donation.  For individuals who have difficulty shopping and cooking on their own, Meals on Wheels are home delivered daily by volunteers 

  • Senior Service Program: Seniors volunteer to work for town and school departments in exchange for property tax abatements.

Lexington is an emerging age friendly community. This means it is pursuing an age friendly designation.

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It’s very elderly friendly and most people that live around are family oriented families and it’s very safe.

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Lexington has excellent services, including a very robust Senior Services team, in addition to a great library and recreation department, all with many programs. Lexington also has a wonderful public bus service open to all called Lexpress. It is for people of all ages and abilities. The town has added some sidewalks and bike lanes, but there is a need for more of those, for less traffic congestion, and a DESPERATE need for more MBTA bus service! We have no transit service at all on Sundays, no late night service, and although Lexington used to have FOUR MBTA bus routes long ago, that was cut down to TWO bus routes in 1981 and with COVID, further reduced to ONE route. We are now back up to 1.5 routes (2 routes at peak time, and only 1 route off peak, which is most hours of the day/week). This is the biggest need, along with MORE and MORE AFFORDABLE housing!

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Lexington is a very welcoming town to all ages, mostly because it is very safe and inclusive of all religions, genders, different ages, sexual orientations and races. It's a beautiful town with lots of parks and paved side walks, throughout highschool I volunteered at Youville Place which is assisted living for the elderly, this home is located just 5 minutes away from the town center, the atmosphere is super friendly and inclusive. Teachers, coaches, librarians and more range from young to old!

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